Friday 30 December 2011


Our life reflects our actions.
If we wish happiness to those around us , we must be happy.
If we want more love in the world, we must create more love around us.
If we want smiles, we must smile.
This is an infallible principle that applies to all aspects of Life.

Richer of humanity

In Life pains do not necessarily have to do with bitterness.
I think that everything that happens in life teach us to live.
It is to make our life richer of humanity.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Just rely...

Trust in the words that are already written in the vastness of cosmic time.
Trust and everything will be alright.
You don´t need to ask how or when.
Smile to Life that Life will smile back to you.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Be tuned with Life

Life does not have to agree with us.
It´s us that must be tuned with Life.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

A new year is coming

A new year is coming.
Many people are already planing...
Others prefer to cling to past memories.
Despite of the symbolism of the new year, it is important that we don´t crystallize in the past and not get lost in the future.
Past no longer exists, and future has not arrived yet.
Looking into Life as it is, here and now, is what keeps us balanced and free.

Monday 26 December 2011

Living over the abyss

Human beings are nothing more than a rope tightly stretched over an abyss.
A flimsy rope that connects the animal within us to the emotionally independent being (Zen).

Saturday 24 December 2011

Today is our day

What we were yesterday is already a memory.
What counts is what we are right now.
Today is our day, no other.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Live the spirit of love every single day

The spirit of love reborns every Christmas.
But to live is to let that spirit born in us every day.
Living Christmas guided only by the calendar is a blasphemy to the Universe.
Merry Christmas.

Monday 19 December 2011

No regrets

Live without regrets.
Stop looking back.
Aim and shoot the arrow.
The arrow does not come back.
We hit or miss the target.
One thing is for sure:
It´s already past...

Sunday 18 December 2011

Be optimistic

I am an optimistic person by nature.
For me , being an optimistic person is to be able to add positive energy to our days.
Daily life already pose us enough problems.
So there is no need to contribute for those problems.
If you want to contribute, do so by taking off the weight of the steps and giving light to the eyes.
The unrest is part of life, but confidence is what drives us.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Can you still listen your heart´s wisdom?

Throughout life people lose the ability to listen to the wisdom that comes from the heart ...
Ask yourself if you still remember the time when feeling was the most wise way to know ...

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Friday 9 December 2011

Change the carousel for the roller coaster

What if you, in your lifes change the carousel for the roller coaster?
Raising the level... eheheh ...
I´m just provoking you...
Think about it! ;)

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Don´t waist time caressing your pains

There are people who spend a lifetime caressing the pain that breaks them apart.
When they finally throw those pains away they have a pleasent surprise.
After all they are still whole inside themselves.

Friday 2 December 2011

The dance of life

Have you noticed that even when we refuse to follow the dance of life, it brings us back to the dance, involving us in a new rhythm...

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Find the secret in you

There is a secret within us so well kept that the majority of us does not even come to know him.
We have within us a secret that needs to be increasingly revealed so that we can be able to enjoy it.
This secret is our own fragility and ephemerality.
To accept it is a challenge and the begining of a life unquestionably happy.

Monday 28 November 2011

Demand the best from yourself

Do not pursue perfection.
Pursue the discovery!
Follow the path that will lead you to discovery.
To find the rigth path there is only one secret.
Demand your best from yourself!

Friday 25 November 2011

It is the visit to our limits that makes us human

It takes a great deal of courage to accept our weaknesses.
It is the visit to our limits that makes us human.
Only those who have the ability to share their fears, and only those who have the humility to learn from their limitations without giving to much consideration to social labels are truly able to change their lifes.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Our best age is NOW

People long for their childhood and youth.
Others say that being 30 years old is the best age.
Others point to the 40´s, 50´s, whatever ...
There is only one age to fall in love with Life.
There is only one age to live passionately.
And there is only one age to enjoy it with intensity.
This elusive age in our Life is called PRESENT.
This age is also known as NOW.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

A secret that cures

We tend to give too much weight, value and reality to our inner pain.
We give more value to our mistakes than to our successes, to our disappointments than to life delights.
The key is to redirect our energy.
It's a secret that cures.

Monday 21 November 2011

Trusting is enough

We might not accomplish all our dreams, but I have no doubt that trusting that we can do it it´s enough to make us better people.

Saturday 19 November 2011

People think too much

People think too much.
People think when they are awake and while sleeping.
When they talk and when they hear.
When they agree, and when they disagree they think they are better than the other.
People think so much that they even think that they rest.
We can only reach inner peace when we accept ourselves the way we are and we calmly accept everything that life gives us.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Demand the best

Who is the best spectator of our life?
So why do we not demand the best show?

Monday 14 November 2011

Pay attention to the signs

Time teaches us that it is useless to ignore the signs.
Rather, it teaches us that we must train our ears and senses to understand each "no" we receive.

Friday 11 November 2011

Give life a plastic surgery

I know that in the era of vanity and image, an aged expression can be improved by a plastic surgery.
But what people forget is that there is no surgery that restores the glow of a full existence.
Despite of the wrinkles , what truly brightens a face is the inner soul and the way we choose to live.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

The eternal emotions of a short life

The brightest future is based on a present intensely lived.
But to be able to live present intensely we have to forgive the mistakes and disappointments of the past.
Life is short, but when we live this ways the emotions we feel last an eternity.

Monday 7 November 2011

Phases are like breathing

When someone tells me is going through a bad phase I tell him it's just a phase that will have an end.
The notion of ephemerality and transience reliefs and allows us to learn.
When somenone asks how can we be sure that these phases will have an end , the answer is - breathing.
It is like inspiration and expiration.
Listening to the sounds.
Noticing our thoughts.
Nothing is fixed.
Nothing is permanent.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Smiling is an indicator of spirituality

Smiling is the most conciliatory and unanimous act that exists in humanity.
Smile brings people together and is an indicator of spirituality.

Friday 4 November 2011

Accept with a smile

When we learn to accept all reality with a smile, in addition to being positive beings, we are also free ... and the best of life inevitably ends up happening in our Life.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Mind Vigilants

When we are not mind vigilants we become a jumble of thoughts and emotions that follow a chain of action and reaction leaving us without any consciousness of ourselves.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Be like the pearl divers

To live fully we have to do as the pearl divers.
They have to dive to great depths to find oysters in places where timid souls would never dare to dive.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

At the end what´s left?

At the end of our lifes what's left of the problems, fears, conflicts that lifelong rob us of most of our attention.
Just this - You know what?
A dash between our birth date and death date written on a tombstone.
For the ego this idea is depressing.
For me it's releasing.

Monday 31 October 2011

The Path

The Path is simply to be who we are, to be able to recognize what is the most appropriate for us in Life.
It is to be gratefull for being alive and willing to live reality as it is.
It is learning to live and learning to die.
Dying for the differences and mind conceptualizations.
It is to accept what each moment has to offer, and nourish ourselves with all the ingredients that Life gives us.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Healthy Ego

The Zen way is not intended to eradicate ego.
It aims primarily to help us to deal with it.
We must have a healthy relationship with our ego.
That alone is enough.
It is a mistake to think that we need to remove ego.
We should have a healthy ego that does not enslave us.

Thursday 27 October 2011

All reality is relative

We must remember that all reality is relative.
There is my reality and the reality of the others.
When we remove these "my" , "the others" that work like mind filters , mind ceases to qualify and label reality as true, false, right or wrong.
When that happens there is nothing more than than the serenity of the understanding.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Direct your thoughts to hapiness

Happiness is not somewhere in the future.
Happiness is in the present, where and when we are.
Direct your thoughts to hapiness.
Happiness is not a closed paradise,separate from the world.
It is at the same time, the source and the ocean.
There is no happiness without the will to be happy.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

To be a Master

Being a Master is for those who teach while they learn and learn while they teach. Being a Master is only available to those who know how to live in this permanent exchange at all times and in all their relationships.

Monday 24 October 2011

It is impossible to be more Zen than a child

A couple of minutes ago I was walking on the street when I heard a mother explaining to her 5-6 years old child why trees are leafless in the winter.
In an outburst that mother told the kid that the trees in winter, without leaves, are uglier.
The child stared at her and told her something like this:
"But without leaves we can see the sky much better."
I could not help smiling and thinking:
It is impossible to be more Zen than a child.

Friday 21 October 2011

The insidious self violence

One of the most insidious form of violence is self violence.
I refer to people who are violent to themselves.
Who are they?
Those that keep thinkig about the same thing for days.
Those who do not have time for anything but work.
Those who do not think in themselves but always and only in the other.
Those who worry too much.
Those who want everything perfect.
Those who do not get the luxury of a rest.
That is, those who fail to Live ...

Thursday 20 October 2011

Time to change paradigms

A decisive step towards spiritual maturity and tranquil happiness happens when we distinguish the subtle but important difference between what we do with Life and what Life does with us.
In western world average life expectancy is increasing, but expectancy and hope in Life is decreasing.
It´s time to change these paradigms.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Lessons from nature

It's amazing how nature presents us with many silent but sublime lessons about Life.
Check out butterflies.
They seem to be always out of reach when we chase them.
But when we wait quietly they may even end up landing on us.
Happiness is just like butterflies ... ;)

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Lead your negative emotions to the exit door

If a negative emotion hits you, lead it to the exit door with the power of your thoughts.

Monday 17 October 2011

Be the gardner of your life

It is hard to understand what drives our life in a certain direction.
I prefer to think that every moment is like a seed capable of tracking all the bloom of life.
The seeds of today depends on what he had sowned yesterday.
Tomorrow is sown now.
Everything we think, feel and act is like a seed that is planted in the garden of our life.

Sunday 16 October 2011

True peace

Peace is not what we find in a place without noise, without problems, far from work, but what keeps our heart and mind calm even amid the most adverse circumstances.
This is the only true meaning of Peace of Mind.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Place your thoughts on the sunny side of your mind

With so much room full of light inside our mind, why do we insist on placing our thoughts on the darkest corner?
Our certainties need to be placed in a light and airy place, without the shadow of a doubt.

Friday 14 October 2011

Suffering is a mere option

Never forget that in life pain is inevitable but suffering is an option.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Feelings are magnetic

Feelings are magnetic.
Every feeling is a beacon that attracts reality.
Love attracts love.
Gratitude attracts more reasons to be grateful.
Sympathy generates simpathy.
Serenity attracts serenity.
Generosity creates a generous response.
So when we strive to have feelings that make us feel good we are also contributing for a better world.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

A "religion" of awakening

Many people ask me what drew me into Zen Buddhism
First of all the fact that it is a "religion" of awakening, and not a religion of believing ...

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Live lighter

Ego convinces us that reallity is only what we label as being real.
Ego tells us to only accept as real what we process in our minds and what fits in our limited mental conceptualization.
Peace of mind can be achieved when we finnaly understand that we do not need to make any mental effort to create reallity.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Keeping a child´s mind is not childish at all

There is a big difference between being childish and keeping the mind of a child.
Many adult remain childish throughout their lifes.
They want to be always in the spotlight and to grab just for themselvs everything that is good.
They live a life in wich they are absorbed with by their own ego, and only care about what they want.
Keeping a child's mind throughout life is different.
It is a mind that finds beauty in life, a mind that doesn't hurt nor let be hurt.
It is a mind that do not carry wounds , is free, open and willing to enjoy.
The child's mind is itself a manifestation of a life of love.

Friday 7 October 2011

Infect the world with your best

Love to be loved.
Smile for the world.
Do not compare yourself, you are unique.
Notice the little things.
Dream, because dreams are the fuel of achievement.
Fall in love with life.
And please, infect the world with your best.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Ask once Thank a lot

Lao-Tzu said:
"The universe is sacred.
We can not improve it.
If we try to change it, we spoil it.
If we try to grab it, we lose it. "
How difficult is for people to realized that they are just passing through this life.
How strange it is how people believe that everything turns around them.
And how sad it is the way people complain about what life has given them.
We just have to ask once but we must give thanks many times.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Enjoy the adventure of living

Life is longer for those who can live and really enjoy the small pleasures of this adventure we call Life.
After all ,at the very end , we will never survive this fantastic adventure we call Life...;)

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Honor the positive in you

We have an innate tendency to value our pain, our difficulties, but, curiously, and by contrast, we hardly notice what we do or think positive.
We must reverse this unhealthy trend.
When we start to notice and to pay attention to the good things we do, we think , or experience in our day to day, and allow ourselves due recognition for them, however small they are, little by little we will be more happy and fulfilled.

Monday 3 October 2011

Time to be happy: NOW

We forget that there is no way to happiness.
Happiness is the way!
Stop waiting until you lose 5 pounds, until you have children , until they leave home , until the sixth, until the second, etc..
The time to be happy is right NOW.
Happiness is a journey not a destination.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Live seriously

Some people say we mustn´t take life so seriously.
That we should always find some time to dance, relax, sleep, love, laugh, time to be happy.
But for me , taking life seriously is finding time for all of that.
Everything else is not taking life seriously.

Friday 30 September 2011

YES , I am!

How about a day dedicated to training the "YES".
Spiritual serenity can be only achieved through the YES.
The mere word itself has an immense positivity and joy.
Try to spend a few minutes of your day repeating the word YES without thinking of anything else and see how your state of mind and your level of consciousness is altered for better.
Even though you are full of anxiety, nervousness, anxiety and insecurity say YES to the fullness without fear.
Yes, I am!
Let the YES roots feed your desire for spiritual growth

Wednesday 28 September 2011

The school of Life

Who said that we left school many years ago?
We are all enrolled in a full-time informal school.
This school is called Life and lessons are learned every day.
We can like them or find them irrelevant.
One of the most important lessons is that there are no mistakes.Only lessons.
Growth is a process of trial and error, experimentation.
"Unsuccessful" experiences are part of the process, as well as those that work.
Living is learning and teaching all day.
And today is no exception.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Yes we can

All times are ideal to dive deep inside us so that we can drink the water that makes us live.
I mean energy at its most pure and simple form.
When we get closer to this source of energy within us our days become more intense, full of that wonderful feeling that life is worth to live.
Believe that that magic is inside us and it´s up to each one of us to perform it and feel it in your own way.

Monday 26 September 2011

"Hope" here and now

Western civilization gives too much importance to "Hope", which ends up sacrificing the present moment.
"Hope" is an expectation, is for the future.
But "Hope" alone is not enough to help us discover the joy, peace and light in the present moment.
Living too much clinging on "Hope" can be an obstacle to the discovery of inner peace if that prevents us to channel positive energy into the present moment.
When we "Hope" in addition to channeling energy into an awareness of what is happening here and now , we discover within us and in this very moment, the joy and peace.

Friday 23 September 2011

Refuse to suffer

The impetus to pursue happiness tying it to ephemeral pleasures creates disproportionate expectations.
Do not try to be happy.
Prefer to refuse to suffer.

Thursday 22 September 2011

We are all equal expression of Life

When we do not compare all the inferiority and superiority vanishes.
Each one of us is what it is.
Look around you.
We are all an organic unity.
Nobody is superior or inferior.
Each of us is incomparably unic.
Each one of us is necessary and sufficient.
We are all equal expression of Life.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Getting out of the whirlpool

We live in a whirlpool caused by the clash of two opposing currents.
Our life revolves endlessly around that whirlpool.
On one hand the power of attachment and attraction, on the other one contempt and disgust.
Getting out of this whirlpool is much more difficult than conquering the world by the force of our arms.
It is difficult but not impossible.
Having this notion in our minds is a beginning.
This notion should not kill us but instead motivate us to continue.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

A lighter being

When we relativize our painful memories, those traumatic moments that shape our present life negatively, our being becomes lighter.
We are passengers in transit in this life.
So it would be good if one day we could not show our wounds, but only the scars.
No pain, no anguish, living with a heart full of peace and grateful for the opportunity to exist.

Monday 19 September 2011

A sucessful life is a valuable life

At the beginning of another school year I must point out one of the biggest mistakes of modern society.
The excessive importance of sucess in western education system.
World would certainly be different if people did not work so hard to be successful , if theiy wouldn´t raise their children only for success.
World would be certainly a better place if the main concern of our society was to educate children to be especially valuable people ...

Sunday 18 September 2011

Be the first to recognize your value

We all need recognition of our value for what we do.
But there is a huge difference between wanting to be recognized in a healthy way and being dependent of the others to feel recognized because we feel unable to recognize our own value.
It is not for us to change the world, but surely we can change what we want in ourselves and in our life.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Don´t waist vital energy fighting against temporary mind fog

These have been foggy late summer days.
Also in life there are moments of fog created by our mind that suddenly do not allow us to see a foot ahead of the nose.
These are moments of distress , anxiety or anger that often lead us to a waste of vital energy.
How ridiculous we would seem if we suddenly started to punch and kick the fog to make it dissipate ...
The best we can do is think and believe that mental fog will dissipate.
After all everything in the universe is impermanent.
That affliction that suddenly settled in our heart will dissipate with the same certainty that tomorrow will come.
Breathe in and wait, because these mists of the mind eventually disappear by themselves and , without effort or struggles, we again will see clearly the path ahead.

Friday 16 September 2011

Just be what you are

Be what you are and that's enough!
Please don´t mind if anyone else do not notice it.
There is a world that notices it and that´s the most important:

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Don´t let anxiety overshadow your life

Are you on of those who lives with a permanent and uncertain anguish?
This feeling exhausts Life but is nothing more than a creation of our own mind.
Always think we tread a path that has been traveled by so many people before us.
We may not always have what we want, but we will always have what we need.
This is one of the greatest lessons of life.
Come on, there is no reason for letting anxiety overshadow your life.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

What is freedom?

What is freedom?
For me, more than the ability to project ourselves to a new spiritual dimension out of the center of gravity of the daily compulsion, it is mostly being able to control the importance, the high concept that we give to ourselves without losing self-esteem.
The act of greater freedom is being able to laugh of ourselves. :-)

Sunday 11 September 2011

Allow the present moment to be

Sometimes , the present moment is unacceptable, unpleasant, or awful.
It is the mind that labels this time as unacceptable , dictating sentences that are responsible for pain and unhappiness.
We must allow the present moment to be.
In doing so we can have a perception of what is to have an inner state free of outdoor conditions, a state of greater clarity and inner peace.
Whatever it is that what is happening in your life, accept it as if it was your choice and only then, with lucidity and serenity, act if necessary and possible.

Be forever young

We only age when wails replace the dreams ... "forever young, I want to be forever young" ...
Do not Mourn .. LIVE. :-)

Friday 9 September 2011

Gathering the essence of differente scriptures

In matters of religion I always follow the example of the bee gathering honey from different flowers.
I always gather the essence of different scriptures and try to see only the good in all religions.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Enjoy the miracle of breathing

Who has never choked?
Suddenly we can not breathe and in the distress of that moment our mind focuses only on the need for air.
Because it was always available to us , we do not give great importance to the miracle of breath.
Why not enjoy this miracle?
Pay attention to your breathing.
When inspiring try to calm your mind.
At the expiration smile and feel what a wonderful moment it is.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Repaying the privilege given to us

Have you every thought how lucky you were of being born as human to life in a universe of thousands of living beings on Earth?
Life is a treasure.
It is in the name of this extraordinary coincidence that allowed us to walk around here as humans that we should always rise above the circumstances of life.
This is the positive paradigm with which we must repay this extraordinary privilege given to us.

Monday 5 September 2011

We all can be Zen masters

We all can be Zen masters, as long as we maintain everydays life "folly" under control, as long we do not intend to transform our actions into monumental acts and as long we can live intensely our emotions without suffering the negative feelings that usually arise when something unexpected happens or people act differently than we would like them to.

Be like a river not like a pond

We can have everything we wish for in our life but be like a pond that never end´s it´s journey.
Instead, we can be like a river, that slowly, with patience and wisdom twists the small and large obstacles to reach the sea.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Don´t let negative emotions seep into your mind

It's raining again.
Like everything in life, rain can also be a good meditative reference.
When I look at the rain I remember that just as the rain seeps into a home with a bad roof, so the negative emotions invade a scattered mind.
As rain does not infiltrate in a well-built house, also the negative emotions do not invade a positive mind.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Unexpected Masters

Consider a Master someone who hates you, confuses or torments you.
Not because someone who trys to annoy or offend you is wise, but because is definitely helping you to be so.

Friday 2 September 2011

Wish there was a Life button

I am pressing the "Life" button.
Lets see to whom belongs thát "Life" button.
Who is going to be invincible against the obstacles of life?
Who will have a 2nd chance?
Who will only have thoughts with the power to become real?
After all I´ve just dreamed that it is I who decides these things.
It would be great!
I am still the one that only makes magic when people believe in what I say.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Do not disturb humanity

It would be interesting if humanity could hang a sign on the door such as "Do not Disturb".
During that times we would be prevented from adding misery to mankind, not even a complaint, a bad thought.
It would be a time just for happyness.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

It´s up to us to choose

One of the things we could do on a daily basis would be to say to ourselves: Today, walking between bad or good mood, I choose to be in a good mood.
Every time something happens we do not like we can choose between doing the role of victims or learn from what happened to us.
I know it is not easy but life is really about choices and every situation offers us more an option.
It is up to us to choose how we live life.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Remove the filters of your mind

We must remember that all reality is relative.
There is my reality, the reality of the other one and yet the reality of another one.
When these filters are removed - "my", "the other" - our mind ceases to label and relativize the reality as true, false, right or wrong.
Then there is nothing more than the serenity of understanding.

Converting negative emotions into positive energy

If we look to our negative emotions carefully and without violence, we can turn them into healthy energy and even nourish ourselves with those emotions.
Through mindful observation, our negative emotions and unpleasant feelings can be very enlightening for us, offering us insight and understanding about ourselves and Life.

Monday 29 August 2011

Try it!

Start of another week.
Proposal of reflexion:
Even if you do not believe it, figure that your thoughts become real events on your life.
What would you do differently during the week?
Come on, try it!

Sunday 28 August 2011

Wellcome your inner "I"

Today is Sunday and Sunday calls for quietness.
But people tend to flee from silence, from moments of inner stillness.
It is in these moments that one can feel the presence within us of a stranger, the "I" that is at the same time, "I" and someone else.
It turns out that for many this "I" is not entirely welcome in their own home because it´s character is so different from the character they build everyday in their relationships with others in a permanent infidelity to themselves.

Saturday 27 August 2011

The Universe is like a huge mirror

I make many references to the universe in my writings.
Sometimes people ask what is the meaning of the universe for me.
I confess that I always lengthen my attempts to explain it.
A few minutes ago I was at the elevator and when I looked at the mirror an explanation that sums up everything that can be said about the universe came in my mind.
The universe is like a huge mirror.
So if you smile the universe will reward you putting a smile back on your life.

Friday 26 August 2011

Training temporal abstraction

Weekend is the ideal time to train the temporal abstraction.
Free your mind of what was the past week and what will be the following.
If you succeed go to the next step: Transform this into a daily exercise.
Getting rid of the need to define our identity and our personal role in the past and the future is the most profound revolution of consciousness.
It worths to try.

Meditation is ecumenical

I know that Christians are asked to believe without seeing.
As St. Augustine said in his Confessions, God comes to us through the inner senses.
That´s the only way to receive the touch of something that is beyond the sensible, reaching the not visible to the senses.
But how to do it?
Watching the inside of our heart, which in most cases is difficult because of the pressure of external reality.
No, the advice was not from Buda.
This advice came from catholic called Ratzinger in a theological Comment written in 2000

Thursday 25 August 2011

My way

How many times I have heard people saying "That's impossible" or "Be Realistic" when I speak about Zen.
I think we've all heard these phrases.
When the ideals that attract us are labeled as unrealistic we have two options: Either renounce them and accept to see the "realistic" life required by the others or cultivate our own reality in a quiet but determined way and receive the award of a richer life.

Hatred is a suicide

Hatred is the poison that we drink wanting the other to die ...

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Keep in mind that life is fleeting

If people were fully aware of how life is fleeting, they would think twice before throwing away the opportunities they have to be and make others happy.
And time goes by so fast ...
But while we are around here we will have time to find God within us and give thanks for the gift of physical life given to us, that although transient, is perpetuated in us spiritually.

Monday 22 August 2011

Carving for the inner beauty

Did you know that when Michelangelo carved the statue of David, he believed that it was already inside the block of marble, and all he had to do was to take the excess to reveal the divine creation?
Here is a good way to visualize our inner life.
There is nothing in us so imperfect that requires an effort so exceptional.
There is an inner truth as beautiful as the statue of David waiting to emerge.

Proud to be a grain of sand in the Universe

We could be nothing more than grains of sand in the universe, but we defenetely are something in the Universe.
There is no reason to fear or be sad about it.
On the contrary.
That´s a good reason to be astonished and grateful of being part of a creation in which every grain of sand is designed with such detail and perfection.
And if we are just a grain of sand, then it is much easier than we thought to be good.
Just try to be be the best grain of sand that you can.

Friday 19 August 2011

Being Transparent

Many think that being transparent is to be honest and not cheat.
But being transparent is much more than that.
Is to have the courage to expose yourself, to be fragile, to cry, to talk your feelings , to strip the soul, to drop the masks, lay down the arms, destroy the walls.
But unfortunately, the majority doens´t want not take that risk.
Most prefer the hardness of the reason to the revealing light of human frailty.

Mind fears to manage contingencies

Thoughts can fly, but what mind really likes is to be in a cage.
Mind voluntarily holds to all that does not change, that remains, to what repeats itself and to what is always the same.
That is mind loves souvenirs and memories.
Mind loves to be in this confort zone.
It's like running a business where nothing can go wrong.
Mind fears to manage contingencies.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Supernatural selection

During my holidays I read somewhere that at the end of the ice age humanity was reduced to about 2000 people.
That was close...!!!
Watching humanity nowadays makes me wonder if we are not risking to end like those people during the ice age.
And look to what the descendants of the survivors of the ice age did.
At that time, was a natural selection in which only the stronger survived.
In the future will be a supernatural selection in which only the most altruistic survive.

Friday 29 July 2011

Summer is a good time to put the word "silence" in our day

I´ve written a lot during this year.
But as they say in Zen tradition,words do not make the man understand.You must become a man to understand the words.
Occasionally it is necessary to put the word "silence" in our day.
Summer holidays are a good excuse to do so.
Summer is a good time of inner stillness.
Sun light brings me to the rebirth of all things, even of my own attitudes.
That light is calling me.
I will return here in mid-August.
Till then have a nice time.

Mind transformation is not an extreme sport

Many who approach me to express their dismay when facing the effort to discipline their mind , complaining about it´s lengthy and setbacks.
Personal transformation is not an extreme sport, a race against time, nor can be the product of a frantic effort.
Who can not remain calm in the face of the mystery of life, savoring and enjoying every little step of this development, risk to live in anguish.

Thursday 28 July 2011

Use your doubts to challenge yourself

There are people who doubt that they can become Buddhists because they are easily overcomed by negative thoughts and emotions.
Nothing more wrong!
It is precisely this doubt that leads to the demand of Buddhism.
For people who are easily overcomed by negative thoughts and emotions, this doubt certainly corresponds to a inner challenge that opens the inner mind and that should defenetely motivate them to inner growth.
Buddhism never appears out of nowhere.
Take a look at Siddhartha's own example.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Start by changing yourself

A few years ago I´ve crossed with an old Sufi master from Bangladesh at the airport.
We talked and he told me:
When I was a young man I asked God to give me the power to change the world.
Later I asked God to change my family and friends.
He confessed me with an easy smile that till that moment he had not changed anything or anyone. Then he told me:
Now I pray: "My God give me strength to change myself."

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Send LOVE to NORWAY and to the World

The recent tragedy in Norway and the growing hostility of many people should remind us that we are paying the price of the inability and unwillingness of mankind to be compassionate and tolerant with the differences among us.
For the future let us remember the wise words of Martin Luther King: "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."

Magic is in us

Every moment is the right time to "jump" into us, and get what makes us live!
Energy in its purest form, that makes us feel that life is worth to live, to laugh, to cry , to receive and above all to give.
Believe that magic is in us and it´s up to each one of us to do it and and to feel it in your one way.

Monday 25 July 2011

Life through binoculars

Tip: Take a pair of binoculars. Look through the inverse side.
This is the perspective of life when we are young. Life seems indefinitely long.
Then look through the binoculars in the normal way.
This is the perspective of life when we are older. Life seems too short.
We begin to realize that life is too short when we start getting older.
Cherish the moment.

Friday 22 July 2011

Living "more or less" is less living!

When we love "more or less" , dream "more or less," think "more or less" positive, are friends "more or less" , enjoy our work "more or less," we "more or less" embrace a cause, we have "more or less" faith , believe "more or less," we seriously risk to become a sort of "more or less" persons...

Thursday 21 July 2011

The powerful surrounding aura of inner peace

When inner peace settles on us shuts up the voices that prevent us from hearing the genuine "Inner Voice".
Inner Peace creates an involvement that leads us to the core of being.
Living the Inner Peace allows us to live the presence of all we love making them part of us even when they are far from us in space and time.

Put yourself in order with yourself.

People work too much for "Having" and do little for the "Self".
The result of this option is fatigue,stress and social imbalance.
Some people react to this fatigue in the form of hyperactivity and seem tireless.
Others become depressed or hypoactive.
They are both sides of the same coin.
Both are in internal conflict.
The bottom line to deal with this conflict is first of all to put yourselve in order with yourselve.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Let Love decide

Love should decide everything in our Life. To do this we must first listen to the love and hear «it´s voice» above all voices , so that it´s truth can be heard above all truths, it´s reason above all reason, it´s motivation over of all motives. Let love decide, because love heals, saves and frees!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Be honest and humble with yourselves

No chain is stronger than its weakest link.
No human being is stronger than its strongest weakness.
Let us not be dazzled by our intellectual, professional and social achievements.
We should not create illusions about our strength and determination.
Let us always be honest and humble and measure ourselves by our greatest weakness.

Be the guardian of your mind gates

Negative feelings do not exist permanently in our minds.
Being aware of the reality is a first step to help us to avoid such kind of emotions.
After all no one comes in our own house without our permission.
We should try to do the same thing with our mind.
When these emotions come we must send them back to their context and analyze the circumstances which led them to knock on our door, and nothing more.

Tear off the mask

Pretend to be what we are not makes us live under tension.
This attitude results from our inner insecurities, we feel the obligation to wear a "mask" to be accepted in the social milieu in which we live and work.
This attitude doesn´t allow us to live quietly and free of any internal tension.
Tear off the masks.
Choose always to be yourselves.

Monday 18 July 2011

Being concerned is useless...

Once someone asked me if I ever let myself be dominated by concern.
I said yes but that I do everything to have days of my week free of concern.
I believe that being concernd does nothing to change something, either from the past or from the future.
It is a useless but a difficult emotion to dominate.
Do yo want to know what day of the week I choosed as a day free of concern?
One of those days was yesterday, and the others today and tomorrow...:)

We are Life full time students

We are all enrolled in a full-time informal school.
This school is called Life and lessons are learned every day.
We can like them or think they are irrelevant.
One of the most important lessons is that there are no mistakes, only lessons.
Growth is a process of trial and error, experimentation.
«Unsuccessful» experiences are part of the process, as well those that work well.
Living is learning and teaching every day.


We have the habit of refuse to live everything that frightens or dislike us.
This denial of the reality leads to mental distortion.To accept and embrace reality as it is corresponds to a movement from the shallow to the deep, from a shallow life to a richer life , a life much closer to our true being and to the world around us.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Old habits die hard

We live seeking immediate solutions.
Most people give up to make changes after a short time when they start to feel the stress of replacing the old habits, old ways of being for a new behavior, when in fact are these habits that largely determine the quality of life of each.
However, if we persist in the practice of a particular habit for a few minutes a day we can see, after some time that we began to adopt behaviors that are beginning to adjust to us as a second skin.
The important thing is to persist in practice every day for a few minutes.It is commitment and dedication are the key to success.
The rest are "miraculous healings"...

Living Here and Now is to be free to accept

Living here and now just is not living without thinking about the past or the future.
In the here and now also appear thoughts and emotions associated with past and the future.
Living in the here and now is to be free to look and accept these thoughts in the midst of everything else that exists right now, and watch serenely those thoughts and emotions as part of the experience of this very moment, without clinging to those emotions.

Sucess is to achieve human value

One of the biggest mistakes of today´s society is the excessive appreciation of sucess.
World would certainly be different if we tried to be persons of value instead of sucessful persons...
For me the real success in Life is to achieve human value.

Life is meant to be enjoyed

Live your Life pleasantly, filled with emotions of love and gratitude for all the goodness that you see.
Life is meant to be enjoyed.Life is meant to be pleasant.
Enjoy your Life just the way it is.Always allow for the possibility that Life will continue to get better.