Tuesday 29 November 2011

Find the secret in you

There is a secret within us so well kept that the majority of us does not even come to know him.
We have within us a secret that needs to be increasingly revealed so that we can be able to enjoy it.
This secret is our own fragility and ephemerality.
To accept it is a challenge and the begining of a life unquestionably happy.

Monday 28 November 2011

Demand the best from yourself

Do not pursue perfection.
Pursue the discovery!
Follow the path that will lead you to discovery.
To find the rigth path there is only one secret.
Demand your best from yourself!

Friday 25 November 2011

It is the visit to our limits that makes us human

It takes a great deal of courage to accept our weaknesses.
It is the visit to our limits that makes us human.
Only those who have the ability to share their fears, and only those who have the humility to learn from their limitations without giving to much consideration to social labels are truly able to change their lifes.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Our best age is NOW

People long for their childhood and youth.
Others say that being 30 years old is the best age.
Others point to the 40´s, 50´s, whatever ...
There is only one age to fall in love with Life.
There is only one age to live passionately.
And there is only one age to enjoy it with intensity.
This elusive age in our Life is called PRESENT.
This age is also known as NOW.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

A secret that cures

We tend to give too much weight, value and reality to our inner pain.
We give more value to our mistakes than to our successes, to our disappointments than to life delights.
The key is to redirect our energy.
It's a secret that cures.

Monday 21 November 2011

Trusting is enough

We might not accomplish all our dreams, but I have no doubt that trusting that we can do it it´s enough to make us better people.

Saturday 19 November 2011

People think too much

People think too much.
People think when they are awake and while sleeping.
When they talk and when they hear.
When they agree, and when they disagree they think they are better than the other.
People think so much that they even think that they rest.
We can only reach inner peace when we accept ourselves the way we are and we calmly accept everything that life gives us.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Demand the best

Who is the best spectator of our life?
So why do we not demand the best show?

Monday 14 November 2011

Pay attention to the signs

Time teaches us that it is useless to ignore the signs.
Rather, it teaches us that we must train our ears and senses to understand each "no" we receive.

Friday 11 November 2011

Give life a plastic surgery

I know that in the era of vanity and image, an aged expression can be improved by a plastic surgery.
But what people forget is that there is no surgery that restores the glow of a full existence.
Despite of the wrinkles , what truly brightens a face is the inner soul and the way we choose to live.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

The eternal emotions of a short life

The brightest future is based on a present intensely lived.
But to be able to live present intensely we have to forgive the mistakes and disappointments of the past.
Life is short, but when we live this ways the emotions we feel last an eternity.

Monday 7 November 2011

Phases are like breathing

When someone tells me is going through a bad phase I tell him it's just a phase that will have an end.
The notion of ephemerality and transience reliefs and allows us to learn.
When somenone asks how can we be sure that these phases will have an end , the answer is - breathing.
It is like inspiration and expiration.
Listening to the sounds.
Noticing our thoughts.
Nothing is fixed.
Nothing is permanent.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Smiling is an indicator of spirituality

Smiling is the most conciliatory and unanimous act that exists in humanity.
Smile brings people together and is an indicator of spirituality.

Friday 4 November 2011

Accept with a smile

When we learn to accept all reality with a smile, in addition to being positive beings, we are also free ... and the best of life inevitably ends up happening in our Life.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Mind Vigilants

When we are not mind vigilants we become a jumble of thoughts and emotions that follow a chain of action and reaction leaving us without any consciousness of ourselves.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Be like the pearl divers

To live fully we have to do as the pearl divers.
They have to dive to great depths to find oysters in places where timid souls would never dare to dive.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

At the end what´s left?

At the end of our lifes what's left of the problems, fears, conflicts that lifelong rob us of most of our attention.
Just this - You know what?
A dash between our birth date and death date written on a tombstone.
For the ego this idea is depressing.
For me it's releasing.